ABSTRACT SUMMISSION FORMGUIDELINES FOR WRITING ABSTRACTSAll members of the scientific community in the field of primary care pharmacy, who intend to participate in the XV Congress of SEFAP are invited to make submissions for adjudication by the scientific committee of the conference. The committee will accept or reject the work on the basis of the structured abstract.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS1. The deadline for abstracts is 3 October 2010. The submission of a paper implies acceptance of these rules.
2. The work must be original (not have been published in any journal or presented in other congresses) and related to professional practice of Primary Care Pharmacist. Authors should not submit abstracts about quantitative studies on drug consumption, unless consumption variables are related to other parameters.
3. A link on the main website of SEFAP will be enable (
http://www.near.es/Z15SEFAP/abstract_summission_form.doc), through which abstracts may be submitted. Submissions may be done downloading the form in Word format and sending it to the email address:
comunicaciones@grupocontrabajo.com. Abstracts will be only accepted if they have been adjusted to these formats. Any amendments to the margins, size or font (Arial 10, single-spaced) could be a reason for not acceptance.
4. The authors’ names (maximum six) must be entered in lowercase, with the first letter in capital letters, their family name followed by initials of his name. Example: Brown, EJ.
5. The title must appear in capital letters, with all the words, no abbreviations and no period at the end. The summary will be structured including: Objective, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions, except in the case of works dealing the implementation of projects, in which the omission of any of the preceding paragraphs could be allowed. When using abbreviations should be indicated in parentheses and the full term must precede its first use. Not include figures, graphs, tables, acknowledgements or references. Summaries shall in no case exceed 300 words nor the space provided on the type of papers.
6. It shall contain the keywords and the preference for presentation as oral or poster.
7. Submitted abstracts will be considered in the following broad topics :
- Evaluation of drug utilization
- Medication Safety
- Health outcomes
- Intervention strategies
- Implementation of projects
- Other
8. The Technical Secretariat will confirm receipt of all abstracts to sender via email. If within a period of five days you has not been answered, please contact phone +34 976 21 80 89.
9. Abstracts submitted in Word format will be identified according to the following procedure: aaabbbn.doc, which aaa correspond to the first three letters of family name, bbb to the first three letters of name, all with respect to the first author; n is a cardinal number that identifies sequentially, starting at 1, the number of different abstracts submitted by the same first author. Ex: Edward J Brown, who submit two papers in which he is the first author, must call the first paper broedw1.doc and the second broedw2.doc.
10. All notices of the Scientific Committee will be directed to the first author, which will be informed by email on the acceptance or rejection of communication, as well as of the day and time to present it.
11. The Scientific Committee will seek to conform to the presentation preference indicated by the authors, oral or poster, but reserves the right to change it. Selected submissions considered to have specially broad appeal may be assigned to an oral communication.
- The oral communication will be presented in a slide model with the format and logo of the XV Congress of SEFAP. This model will be available on the congress website in the section “Communications”.
- The poster will be displayed in electronic format in accordance with the instructions specified on the congress website in the section “Communications”.
OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST 1. Once accepted, the text of the abstract, will be published on the monographic issue of Farmacia de Atención Primaria dedicated to the 15th Congress of the SEFAP, so any typo, grammar, style, syntax or conceptual error will be solely attributable to the authors.
2. Once accepted, abstracts may not be amended, so that the Scientific Committee may withdraw the works that do not conform to the previously accepted abstract.
3. Congress makes four prizes for best oral communications (1,500 €, 1,100 €, 900 € and 800 €) and two prizes for the best poster (650 € and 500 €). Prizes will be awarded by an Evaluation Committee composed by the members of the Scientific Committee, which will not be eligible for a prize for his works.