16:00-19:00 Pre-Congress Workshops.
Workshop 1. Risk-sharing agreements: New strategies to drug reimbursement decisions.
Antoni Gilabert Perramon.
Josep Lluís Segú Tolsa.
Cristina Espinosa Tomé.
Workshop 2. Web 2.0 and internet resources: tools to manage scientific knowledge.
Ernesto Barrera Linares.
Cruz Bartolomé Moreno.
Workshop 3. Decision making: Other Evidence Based Products.
Juan Ignacio Martín Sánchez.
Workshop 4. From evidence to recommendations: the GRADE system.
Arritxu Etxeberria Agirre.
Rafael Rotaeche del Campo.
Workshop 5. Development of effectiveness indicators related to the clinical management.
Mª José Calvo Alcántara.
Olga Larrubia Muñoz.
Workshop 6. Conflict resolution strategies.
Jesús Ángel Sánchez Pérez.
20:30 Welcome reception at the Zaragoza City Hall. Cocktail.
9:00-10:30 Oral Communication session 1
Chairperson: Flora Pérez Hernández.
10:30-11:00 Opening Ceremony
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break. Poster viewing. Exhibition
11:30-13:00 Round Table 1: Challenges and opportunities of primary care pharmacy on new technologies.
Chairperson: Javier Garjón Parra.
Lecture 1: Health professionals adaptation to new technologies.
José Manuel Picas Vidal.
Lecture 2: Clinical decision support systems in clinical practice.
Eva Comín Bertrán.
Lecture 3: Clinical evaluation of prescription: One step forward.
Encarnación Cruz Martos.
Lecture 4: Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up: role of new technological tools.
Nora Izko Gartzia.
13:00-14:30 Opening Lecture: Management of illusion in changing times.
Emilio Duró Pamies.
14:30-16:00 Lunch.
16:00-17:30 Oral Communication session 2
Chairperson: Ana Mª Sangrador Rasero.
17:30–18:00 SEFAP Strategic plan presentation 2010-2013.
Arantxa Catalán Ramos. Presidenta de la SEFAP
18:00 E-Posters discussion (atended).
20:30 Guided tour: Historic center of Zaragoza and Pilar Basílic .
9:30-11:00 Oral Communication session 3
Chairperson: Luis Carlos Saiz Fernández.
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break. Poster viewing. Exhibition.
11:30-13:00 Round Table 2: National and internacional experiences: a vision to share.
Chairperson: Pilar Astier Peña.
Lecture 1: Influencing prescribing in primary care in the NHS.
Janice Steele.
Lecture 2: Medicines Information in the UK.
David Erskine.
Lecture 3: Pharmaco-epidemiological studies in partnership with BIFAP. First experiences.
Juan Erviti López.
Lecture 4: Variability on pharmaceutical prescription. Is geography destiny too?.
Enrique Bernal Delgado.
13:00-14:00 Closing Lecture: “Evaluation of health outcomes after implementation of different strategies to achieve rational use of drugs in British Columbia.
James Wright.
14:00-14:30 Closing Ceremony of XV Congress of SEFAP.
14:30-16:00 Lunch.
16:00-18:00 General Assemby of SEFAP.
21:00 Clossing Dinner. Prize giving: Oral communications and e-posters.
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