From the 27th to the 29 th of October 2010, the Fifteenth Congress of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Pharmacists will be held in Zaragoza.
After 15 years of our society we want this congress to be an opportunity to celebrate and show our gratitude to everybody who has worked there for primary care pharmacy. Also, it gives us a chance to look at the present and future and reflect on what the current context provides to primary care pharmacist. Therefore, our motto we have chosen for this congress is: " Primary Care Pharmacy: Challenges and Opportunities ".
We will address issues such as the application of information and communication technologies and Web 2.0 in the improvement of drug use (prescribing support systems, reduction of medication errors, dissemination of information on medicines to professionals and patients, etc.), pharmaceutical care and health education, development of quality indicators, and explore national and international alliances with organisations involved with the rational use of drugs.
We want this congress to be a forum where all professionals can share, discuss and reflect on the challenges and opportunities of Primary Care Pharmacy, and to be a source of encouragement to build a bridge that turn difficulties into opportunities.
We are looking forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Mª José Buisán Giral
Chair of the Organising Committee
Chair of the Organising Committee
Mª Concepción Celaya Lecea
Chair of the Scientific Committee
Chair of the Scientific Committee
Presentation Video
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